Intero UNAM Lab
Un pequeño recorrido al laboratorio INTERO en la UNAM. Conozcan el último proyecto sobre prótesis infantiles que se llevan a cabo en colaboración con [...]
Un pequeño recorrido al laboratorio INTERO en la UNAM. Conozcan el último proyecto sobre prótesis infantiles que se llevan a cabo en colaboración con [...]
Intero has been featured in a variety of publications in both Mexico and the United States.
Intero has done demos throughout Mexico in Santiago Nuevo León, as well as Tucson, AZ
Graduates have created a virtual and personalized train The application synchronizes a cell phone with a cardiovascular exercise machine to facilitate motivation and guide [...]
Becca Rogers joined a team at Hack Arizona in January to compose music for a virtual-reality rowing app. She quickly realized the app had [...]
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